Life Insurance Benefit Payout

A benefit may be paid during your lifetime or upon your death.  You or your beneficiary must make sure to follow the correct steps to receive your benefit.

Sick Leave Credit Calculations

Learn how your sick leave credits are calculated for Accumulated Sick Leave Credit Conversion (ASLCC) and Supplemental Health Insurance Conversion Credit (SHICC).

Divisions and Offices

Profiles of each of the directors of divisions and offices of the State of Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds.

ETH0052-54 Request for Proposals (RFP)

Third Party Administration of Health Savings Accounts (HSA); Section 125 Cafeteria Plan and Employee Reimbursement Accounts (ERA); Commuter Fringe Benefit Accounts

The purpose of Request for Proposals (RFP) ETH0052-54 is to provide interested and qualified vendors with information to enable them to prepare and submit competitive proposals to administer the following programs: Internal Revenue Code Section 125 Cafeteria Plan, Health Savings Account (HSA), Employee Reimbursement Account (ERA), and Commuter Fringe Benefit Account. There are three separate RFPs: