Form Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient

Statement of Incapacity for Finances and Property

Form for the member’s physician to complete if the member cannot manage property, finances or business affairs because of an impairment in the ability to receive and evaluate information or make or communicate decisions even with the use of technological assistance.

Department News
Feb 15, 2023 11:30am

Webinar Combines WRS, WDC and Social Security Information

You’re invited to attend “Your Steppingstones to Retirement,” a free, educational webinar hosted by representatives from ETF, the Social Security Administration, and the Wisconsin Deferred Compensation Program.

HDHP Eligibility

A few eligibility requirements include:

You must be covered by a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) and enrolled in the Health Savings Account (HSA) offered by ETF.

You cannot have any other health coverage that pays for out-of-pocket health care expenses before you meet your plan deductible (including Medicare).

Program Option
  • State Employee and Retiree Health Plan & Supplemental Benefits
Plan Year
  • 2024

2021 SB 947 and 2021 AB 974

Creating a 401Kids savings program and the 401Kids savings program trust fund; granting rule-making authority; and making an appropriation.

Employer News
Mar 1, 2023 7:00am

Employer Reminders: Forms, Updates, and ICI Changes

Please note a few reminders for employers: check that you are using the most current form revision, watch for ETF Update meeting invites, and read about changes coming to the ICI Program in 2024.

Reports on a table with three people's hands over them:  one writing in a notebook, one pointing to a tablet in her hand, and the third with hands resting near a computer.

Reports and Studies

Reports and studies evaluating the programs, finances and administration of the Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds.