An extended family taking a selfie.

Changes to Life Insurance Coverage

Events happen in life and can affect your coverage. Make sure you know when you lose your coverage and what steps to take to make sure you can keep it.

Types of Life Insurance

This program offers different types of coverage to meet your needs. How much you are covered is based on the number of units of coverage you buy.

Form Active Employee / Retiree / Other Benefit Recipient

Beneficiary Designation

If you are the owner of a WRS account from which a WRS death benefit or life insurance benefit would be payable upon your death, you may file a beneficiary designation.

Form Active Employee / Retiree

How To Fill Out Beneficiary Designation (ET-2320)

If you are the owner of a WRS account from which a WRS death benefit or life insurance benefit would be payable upon your death, you may file a beneficiary designation.

Form Active Employee / Retiree

Beneficiary Designation - Alternate

If you wish to specify who shall receive a primary beneficiary’s share of a death or life insurance benefit if a primary beneficiary is deceased, you must use this alternate beneficiary designation form.