Many state employees want to continue their health insurance into retirement. However, they might have several questions prior to retiring like what determines their eligibility? What impact does gaining Medicare eligibility have on health insurance?
Review changes that will simplify the Income Continuation Insurance Program for state and local employees, effective in 2024. Coverage and benefits also have been expanded to employees aged 70 or older.
It’s Your Choice open enrollment is coming up September 27 - October 22, 2021. The annual health benefits open enrollment period allows uninsured but eligible employees and retirees to enroll for coverage effective the following January 1.
The annual health benefits open enrollment period is September 25 - October 20, 2023. The annual health benefits open enrollment allows uninsured but eligible employees and retirees to enroll for coverage effective the following January 1.
The annual insurance benefits open enrollment period is September 30-October 25, 2024. The annual insurance benefits open enrollment allows uninsured but eligible employees and retirees to enroll for coverage effective the following January 1.