Individuals can submit Board Correspondence to any of the boards by sending it by email to, or by U.S. Mail to:

Department of Employee Trust Funds
Board Liaison
P. O. Box 7931
Madison, WI 53707-7931.

Board Correspondence should be received by ETF at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled board meeting in order to be forwarded to the board prior to that meeting. All Board Correspondence received by email will receive an auto-reply message confirming receipt by ETF.

The board will receive all Board Correspondence without any changes. Any consideration and discussion of the Board correspondence could occur at the board’s discretion. Board correspondence may be referred to ETF staff for response. The response will also be sent to the board.

Board Correspondence may be posted on the ETF website with other open board meeting materials. Absent specific, written authorization from the individual, ETF is prohibited from posting legally protected personal or health information on the ETF website. Therefore, correspondence regarding an individual’s personal situation that contains legally protected personal or health information will not be posted on ETF’s website. Correspondence that does not contain such information, such as letters advocating that a board make a change to a benefit program, will be posted.  In addition, Board correspondence may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the Wisconsin Public Records Law.